Monday, March 13, 2017

Assignment #3

After sifting through the images of interest that I collected, I noticed the trend of couples in a lot of these images. As someone who thrives off of social interaction and love, I decided to make the topic of relationships the basis of my project. Lately I have come to realize that every individual contributes something unique to a relationship; no two people will ever be the exact same, and it is this understanding and acceptance of people’s differences that allows love to flourish. I wanted to represent this in the images I created, so I took photos purely of nature and natural settings, and used these to depict the personality of each person. For example, in the third image, opposing elements (fire and water) stand in stark contrast to the image of the couple in the middle. While these earthly elements are polar opposites, the harmony of the earth revolves around the presence of both of these elements. This illustrates the way in which people can be completely different, opposite even, though still find harmony when they find balance between them. In the second image, I cut off the bodies of both individuals with images of nature, exemplifying the way in which each person’s unique qualities is an inescapable part of them, one that defines their identity. The first image is-I believe-the most effective in conveying these ideas; the woman, a spectacle of emotion and striking display (the vastness of arctic mountains), is calmed by the relaxed, tranquil personality of the man (the woods), balancing each other out like the yin and yang.


  1. I really enjoyed looking at your pictures in class and on your blog as well. I loved reading your synopsis where you make the point of stating how relationships and our environment play a vital role in our everyday life. We all are unique and bring different experiences to wherever we are, not one person is the same. Any relationships or environment wherever we may be help to comprise who we are. Inevitably, we are placed in different environments throughout various periods in our lives and we have a variety of relationships in our lives, but they all leave some sort of impression, mark, or perception on us, as well as any environment that we are in. I loved the sequence of images chosen, they have been thoughtfully edited, interconnecting specific relationships with clearly defined images in nature. When looking at all the images I feel almost in a tranquil state because it brings together two important characteristics in our lives together to unite those principles of environment and relationships. The sequence of images impact my response because I feel a sense of closeness between all the images, coming even closer in each photograph and the nature lights a sense of emotion when looking.

  2. I truly loved the basis for your photos. Each of these photos has truly been transformed. While looking at each individual part of the photos, I could have never thought of their relation, but their combination is a whole other story. Your synopsis was extremely powerful and is in great accordance with the meaning of each photograph. The order of your photos also play a huge role in their meaning. They are all extremely powerful and show the difference between beings. The last photo in particular brings the piece itself together and greatly influenced my thoughts on your pictures as a whole.

  3. I loved the way seemingly 'normal' and commonplace couple photos were transformed in this project. By using the raw elements of nature next to them, the natural emotions and feelings that come with relationships was explored, obviously changing the meaning from the photographs initial meaning, whatever it might have been. The sequence of the images is also logical, especially given the change in alignment with each photograph. The natural shift from cooler tones to warmer ones also makes this a very easy transition.
